Resolve (2024)

Resolve (RES, Resolve (1)) is one of the primary attributes in Pillars of Eternity and Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. The in-game description reads:

Resolve reflects a character's internal drive, determination, fearlessness, and the emotional intensity they can project to others. It can be useful for mental intimidation, leadership, and convincing performances. In combat, it helps characters maintain Concentration and contributes to the Will and Deflection defenses.


  • 1 Effects
    • 1.1 Combat
    • 1.2 Dialog and scripted interactions
  • 2 Allocation
  • 3 Buffs in Pillars of Eternity
    • 3.1 Passive abilities/talents
    • 3.2 Equipment
    • 3.3 Resting bonuses
    • 3.4 Prostitute boons
    • 3.5 Modal or active buffs
    • 3.6 Active abilities/spells
    • 3.7 Consumable items
  • 4 Buffs in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
    • 4.1 Passive effects
    • 4.2 Abilities/spells
    • 4.3 Weapons
    • 4.4 Equipment
    • 4.5 Pets
    • 4.6 Resting bonuses
    • 4.7 Prostitute boons
    • 4.8 Consumable items
    • 4.9 Class
  • 5 Debuffs in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
    • 5.1 Abilities/Spells
    • 5.2 Class

Effects[ | ]

WillDeflectionHostile Effects Duration
(Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire)
(Pillars of Eternity)
10no change

Combat[ | ]

Per point of Resolve above/below 10, a character gains:

See Combat for more explanation on how bonuses are calculated and applied.

Dialog and scripted interactions[ | ]

In conversations, the protagonist's resolve is frequently checked for persuading people to do what you want, or for delivering a convincing lie or performance.

In scripted interactions, depending on the script, party member Resolve may be checked to determine success or the player can select a party member to tackle the challenge.

See Uses of Resolve in interactions for a detailed list.

Allocation[ | ]

A player character's Resolve score is allocated during character creation, and does not progress with levels. By default you may put between 3 and 18 points in it, but the character's race and culture can modify those limits - for example for a Human from Aedyr, it would be between 5 and 20:

Racial bonuses:
Cultural bonuses:
Ixamitl Plains+1

Buffs in Pillars of Eternity[ | ]

There are various ways to (temporarily) increase a character's Resolve beyond their base score. These buffs are not restricted to the upper limit that is imposed during character creation - so a temporary score of 30 or more is not impossible.

Passive abilities/talents[ | ]

unlimited – permanently active once learned

TypeAbilityRES modifier
Quest reward talentBerath's Boon+1
Rewarded talentEffigy's Resentment+1

Equipment[ | ]

one – bonus while equipped

SlotItemRES modifier
HeadUltimate Hat of Alluring Perfection [WM1]-2
HandsBracers of Enduring +1
NeckCloak of the Theocrat +1
HeadCompany Captain's Cap [DP]+1
NeckGlanfathan Adraswen +1
FingersSnerf's Folly +1
HeadThe Pilgrim's Lasting Vigil +1
FingersThe Ring of Wonder +1
NeckUnwavering Resolve +1
HeadWaage's Hat of Leadership +1
ArmorCoat of Ill Payment +2
NeckAmulet of Joka'te +2
WaistBroad Belt of Power +2
HeadDandy Hat of the Diseased Yak +2
NeckLost Periapt of the Winding Path [WM2]+2
FingersSerel's Ring +2
ArmorKerdhed Pames +3
HeadArgwes Adra's Helm [WM2]+3
FingersRing of Changing Heart [WM1]+3
NeckShroud of Mourning +3
HandsSiegebreaker Gauntlets [WM2]+4
HeadCompany Captain's Cap [DP]+3
ArmorOf Resolve 1 Enchantment+1
ArmorOf Resolve 2 Enchantment+2

Resting bonuses[ | ]


LocationInnRoomRES modifierLasts for
Gilded ValeBlackhound InnDyrwood's Pride+22 rests
CopperlaneFox and GooseMerchant's Stay+12 rests
HearthsongCelestial SaplingCelestial Suite+21 rest
HearthsongCelestial SaplingWanderer's Reprieve+12 rest
Caed NuaBrighthollowChapel+33 rests

Prostitute boons[ | ]

one – for the protagonist only

LocationBrothelProstituteRES modifierLasts for
Ondra's GiftSalty MastBig Durmsey+21 rest
Ondra's GiftSalty MastIqali+11 rest

Modal or active buffs[ | ]

onewhich includes:

Active abilities/spells

– temporary bonus when used

TypeAbilityRES modifierDurationAffected characters
ItemLord's Authority+530 secuser
InvocationChanter The Brideman Slew Thirty 'Fore They Crossed Half the HallFriendly AoE: +5 Constitution, Might, Resolve for 30.0 sec Caster: Applies the same effect as Friendly AoE30.0 secondsLength: 3.0m 90° Cone
ItemDepressionUser: -1 Resolve for 20.0 sec20.0 seconds
ItemLord's AuthorityUser: +5 Might, +5 Resolve, Immunity to Charmed, Dominated for 30.0 sec30 seconds
PowerCipher Psychovampiric ShieldTarget: Drains -10 Resolve for +25 Deflection for 20.0 sec20.0 seconds
SpellPriest Crowns for the FaithfulFriendly AoE: +6 Perception, +6 Intellect, +25 Resolve for 30.0 sec30.0 seconds1.25m Radius
SpellPriest Holy PowerFriendly Aura: +3 Might, +7 Resolve for 30.0 sec30.0 secondsAura Range: 1.3m
SpellPriest Minor AvatarCaster: +20% Melee Damage, +20% Ranged Damage, +8 Might, +8 Dexterity, +8 Constitution, +8 Perception, +8 Resolve, +8 Intellect, +40 Max Endurance for 30.0 sec30.0 seconds
SpellWizard Arkemyr's Wondrous TormentFoe Target: -10 Resolve, Intellect, Perception for 10.0 sec10.0 seconds
SpellWizard Miasma of Dull-MindednessAoE: -6 Perception, -6 Intellect, -6 Resolve for 12.0 sec12.0 seconds1.25m Radius

Consumable items

– temporary bonus when used

TypeItemRES modifierDurationAffected characters
foodDragon Egg+3300 secuser
foodDragon Egg Dish+3300 secuser
foodDragon Meat+3150 secuser
foodDragon Meat Dish+3150 secuser

Buffs in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire[ | ]

Most resolve buffs are applied via one of the three Resolve Inspirations; Steadfast, Resolute, and Courageous. Stacking rules apply depending on whether the effect is passive or active. Generally, all passives stack - but actives do not and will instead use the highest bonus. In the case of inspirations, a Tier 1 inspiration will always be superseded by a Tier 2 one of the same type, and so on.

Passive effects[ | ]

unlimited – obtained during gameplay

NameRES modifierDuration
Alchemic Wits+2Until rest
Berath's Blessing - Champion Stats+2Permanent
Cauldron Brew+1Permanent
Effigy's Resentment: Grieving Mother+1Permanent
Effigy's Resentment: Pallegina+1Permanent
Fortune: Determination+1Until rest
Nature's Resolve+2Until rest
Rikuhu's Blessing+2Until rest

Abilities/spells[ | ]

one – temporary bonus when used, mostly combat only

TypeAbilityRES modifierDurationAffected characters
4th Level Chanter Invocation
6th Level Chanter Invocation
The Brideman Slew Thirty 'Fore They Crossed Half the Hall
..Each Kill Fed His Fury
+5 (Steadfast)30.0 secAllied AoE + Self
2nd Level Cipher SpellPsychovampiric Shield+5 (Steadfast)20.0 secSelf
4th Level Cipher SpellWild Leech+5 (Steadfast)*45.0 secSelf (Random Effect)
5th Level Cipher SpellEchoing Shield+5 (Resolute)30.0 secAllied AoE
7th Level Fighter AbilityUnbending Shield+5 (Resolute)15.0 secAllied AoE
8th Level Fighter AbilityInspired Discipline+5 (Steadfast)30.0 secSelf
3rd Level Paladin AbilityHands of Light+5 (Courageous)8.0 secAllied Target
4th Level Paladin Ability
6th Level Paladin Ability
Liberating Exhortation
Liberating Command
+5 (Steadfast)20.0 secTarget
6th Level Paladin AbilityRemanding Exhortation+5 (Resolute)20.0 secTarget
7th Level Paladin AbilityReinforcing Command+5 (Resolve)12.0 secAllied Target'
2nd Level Priest SpellHoly Meditation+5 (Resolute)15.0 secFriendly AoE
5th Level Priest SpellChampion's Boon+5 (Resolute)30.0 secFriendly Target
7th Level Priest SpellMinor Avatar+5 (Steadfast)30.0 secSelf
8th Level Priest SpellCrowns for the Faithful+5 (Steadfast)30.0 secFriendly AoE
8th Level Ranger AbilityBonded Fury+5 (Resolve)30.0 secAnimal Companion
1st Level Wizard SpellConjure Familiar: Beetle+360.0 secSelf
7th Level Wizard SpellBekarna's Midnight Daydream [FS]+5 (Resolute)*12.0 secAllied Target (Random Effect)
Watcher-only AbilityNo Pity for the Lost+5 (Steadfast)20.0 secSelf

Weapons[ | ]

unlimited – bonus only in combat, and either triggers under certain conditions or granted as a castable ability

Weapon typeNameEnchantmentRES modifierConditionDuration
CrossbowScourge of BezzelloSoothing Bolts+5 (Steadfast)On scoring a Crit to allies near the target4.0 sec
Great swordEffortInspiring Demise+5 (Courageous)While under 25% health-
Great swordEffortValiant Demise+5 (Steadfast)To nearby allies when the wielder is knocked out20.0 sec
Hunting bowAamiina's LegacyWarning of Blue Water+5 (Resolute)Freely castable25.0 sec
MaceMagistrate's CudgelFair Trial+5 (Steadfast)*1-in-6 chance upon being afflicted15.0 sec
SwordGriffin's BladeLoyal Companion+5 (Steadfast)To nearby allies when the wielder is Bloodied (25-50% Health)12.0 sec
WandThe Weyc's Wand [FS]Wael's Inspiration+5 (Courageous)After empowering a spell8.0 sec
War hammerLast WordSilence in Death+5 (Steadfast)Per kill6.0 sec

Equipment[ | ]

unlimited – bonus only in combat, and either triggers under certain conditions or granted as a castable ability

TypeItemEnchantmentRES modifierConditionDuration
BeltLeast Unstable Coil [SSS]Empowered Being+5 (Courageous)1-in-6 chance after using an Empowered Spell or ability10.0 sec
CloakHakori's Refuge [SSS]Bold In Danger+5 (Steadfast)20% chance when crit8.0 sec
Padded armorGipon PrudenscoBravado+5 (Steadfast)On combat start15.0 sec
Plate armorBlackened Plate ArmorContentment in Pain+5 (Steadfast)*When the wearer first becomes Bloodied (25-50% Health)30.0 sec
RingHarmonyCommitment+1While within 2.5m of a bonded ally.-
RingRing of Clenched Muscle [FS]Test Subject+5 (Steadfast)*10% chance to trigger random tier 1 Inspiration on being hit. 1-in-6 chance for it to be Steadfast.10.0 sec
Small shieldOutworn BucklerSymbol of Inspiration+5 (Steadfast)1% Chance when receiving damage to nearby allies10.0 sec
Small shieldOutworn BucklerBeacon of Inspiration+5 (Steadfast)3% Chance when receiving damage to nearby allies10.0 sec
Small shieldOutworn BucklerSymbol of Courage+5 (Steadfast/Resolute/Courageous)1% Chance when receiving damage to nearby allies (1 in 3 chance to be Steadfast)10.0 sec
NecklaceChain of Rightful Authority [SSS]Rightful Vengeance+1Per party members KO'dUntil end of combat
NecklaceNeriscyrlas' Hope [BW]
NecklaceTooth of Toamowhai [SSS]
AmuletCrown of the Exiled Queen [FS]
AmuletWeight of Revelation [FS]

unlimited – bonus while equipped

TypeItemEnchantmentRES modifier
AmuletToken of FaithOf Resolve 2+2
BootsBoots of the StoneFirm Foundation+1
BootsBoots of the WhiteShod for Winter+1
BootsShorewalker SandalsCertain Stride+1
CloakBadrwn's CoverSteeled in Darkness+1
CloakCloak of Poverty [DMT]Impoverished+0 to 5 (increases when the party has little currency)
CloakCloak of the TheocratOf Resolve+1
CloakRagged CloakVestment of Skaen+1
RingChameleon's TouchVersatile+1 (as Druid/Priest)
RingRing of the Solitary WandererSelf-Motivated+1

Pets[ | ]

unlimited – bonus while equipped to either self or party

PetTargetRES modifier
NebulaParty (in AoE)+5 (Steadfast) 1-in-6 chance for 10.0 sec every 12 seconds
Stinky PeteSelf+1

Resting bonuses[ | ]

one - until next rest

LocationRoomCostRES modifier
Tikawara, HimuihiGentle BreezeResolve (2)400+2
? [BW]Fireside BedResolve (3)200+2

Prostitute boons[ | ]

one – for the protagonist only, lasts until next rest.

LocationProstituteRES modifier
Queen's Berth, The Wild MareRabyuna+2

Consumable items[ | ]

one – for the user until next rest

TypeItemRES modifier
FoodFried Ugly+1
FoodSeafood Stew+1
DrinkRice Wine+2

unlimited – for the user for a duration (sometimes only in combat)

TypeItemRES modifierDurationCombat only
DrugRipple Sponge+3180.0 sec
PotionPotion of Mental Prowess+245.0 secResolve (4)
PotionVial of Starlight [DMT]+510.0 secResolve (5)
ScrollDeck of Endless Possibilities [DMT]+5 (Steadfast)*30 secResolve (6)

Class[ | ]

unlimited – permanently to the character, sometimes under a condition

TypeNameRES modifierCondition
SubclassWild Mind+5 (Courageous)Small chance on casting ability

Debuffs in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire[ | ]

Most resolve debuffs are applied via one of the three Resolve afflictions; Frightened, Shaken, and Terrified. Stacking rules apply depending on whether the effect is passive or active. Generally, all passives stack - but actives do not and will instead use the highest penalty . In the case of afflictions, a Tier 1 affliction will always be superseded by a Tier 2 one of the same type, and so on.

Abilities/Spells[ | ]

one – temporary penalty when used, mostly combat only

TypeAbilityRES modifierDurationAffected characters
Core Druid SpellDruid Bear Terrifying Roar-5 (Frightened)10.0 secFoe AoE
Core Priest SpellHoly Radiance-5 (Shaken)15.0 secFoe Vessel AoE
1st Level Cipher AbilityTenuous Grasp-5 (Shaken)20.0 secFoe Target
1st Level Barbarian Ability

4th Level Barbarian Ability

9th Level Barbarian Ability

Barbaric Yell

Barbaric Shout

Dazing Shout

-5 (Shaken)20.0 secFoe AoE
2nd Level Cipher SpellPsychovampiric Shield-1020.0 secTarget
2nd Level Wizard SpellMiasma of Dull-Mindedness-1020.0 secAoE
3rd Level Cipher AbilitySecret Horrors-5 (Frightened)15.0 secFoe AoE
3rd Level Rogue(Trickster) Ability

3rd Level Wizard Spell

Ryngrim's Repulsive Visage-5 (Terrified)4.0 secFoe AoE
3rd Level Chanter Invocation

5th Level Chanter Invocation

Reny Daret's Ghost Spake,

"I'll Catch You, Ben Fidel"

Ben Fidel's Neck Was Exposed

-5 (Frightened)15.0 secFoe AoE
4th Level Cipher SpellWild Leech-5 (Shaken)-Target (Random Effect)
4th Level Chanter Invocation...And Their Fear Followed

Them into the Foothills

-5 (Frightened)6.0 secAoE (after 4.0 sec to Paralyzed targets)
4th Level Priest SpellDivine Terror-5 (Frightened)20.0 secFoe AoE
4th Level Barbarian Ability

9th Level Barbarian Ability

Barbaric Roar

Driving Roar

-5 (Shaken)20.0 secFoe Target
5th Level Rogue AbilityEliminating Blow-5 (Shaken)12.0 secFoe AoE
5th Level Priest(Woedica) SpellWrit of War-5 (Shaken)15.0 secAoE
5th Level Druid SpellNature's Terror-5 (Frightened)4.0 secAoE
5th Level Wizard SpellRyngrim's Enervating Terror-5 (Terrified)15.0 secFoe AoE
6th Level Druid SpellVenombloom-5 (Frightened)8.0 secTarget
7th Level Cipher Passive AbilityEchoing Horror-5 (Frightened)12.0 secFoe AoE per kill
7th Level Barbarian AbilitySpirit Tornado-5 (Terrified)4.0 secFoe AoE
8th Level Priest(Rymrgand) SpellSymbol of Rymrgand-5 (Frightened)6.0 secFoe AoE
9th Level Cipher AbilityHaunting Chains-5 (Terrified)20.0 secTarget

Class[ | ]

unlimited – permanently to the character, sometimes under a condition

TypeNameRES modifierCondition
SubclassWild Mind-5 (Terrified)Small chance on casting ability
SubclassTactician-5 (Shaken)While Flanked
Resolve (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.