Sea Freight vs Air Freight in the Philippines: 4 Points Businesses Must Know - Trans-Asia Shipping Lines, Inc (2024)

Sea Freight vs Air Freight in the Philippines: 4 Points Businesses Must Know - Trans-Asia Shipping Lines, Inc (1)

By mark demecillo20 June, 2024News and Promos

In the changing landscape of international trade, choosing between sea freight and air freight is a crucial decision for companies, especially in the Philippines, where logistical considerations can significantly impact your business operations.

Past research shows that sea freight in the Philippines is one of the primary methods of transportation between its islands. It has been a key player in the country’s economic growth. There has also been significant investment in developing the Philippine air transportation industry, both domestic and foreign, due to the need for fast transportation.

If you’re looking to expand your business in the Philippines, here are factors to consider when choosing between the costs of sea freight vs. air freight:

4 Factors to Consider for Your Business in Choosing Sea Freight vs Air Freight

1.Shipment Cost

Air freights typically cost more because they are calculated based on the size and weight of your cargo as well as how expensive jet fuel consumption can be. The cost of fuel can be the main factor in deciding the overall price of transportation.

Sea freight charges are based on the space occupied by your cargo. Cargo are usually stored in a transport container or vehicle. Sea freight delivery remains less expensive compared to air transport due to the amount of sufficient space for supplies on the ship. Check out freight rates and routes here.

2. Transit Time

Sea freights can reduce your shipping costs while ensuring the quality of goods delivered but usually take time and may last from 1 to 2 weeks depending on their schedule. Delays can occur when ports become congested or overcrowded with shipments.

Air freight is the faster option which takes 2 to 4 days to deliver cargo reducing delays. They can also transport supplies to remote locations sea shipments usually can’t reach directly. However, air freights still experience significant delays due to weather changes, weight restrictions, security procedures and crew rest requirements.

3.Cargo Accommodation

Normally air transport is ideal for smaller, time-sensitive or high-value cargo such as food, jewelry, or cosmetics. There are 2 types of cargo for air freights:

  • General Cargo – These are cargoes that do not require special handling or conditions to secure.
  • Special Cargo – These are types of cargo that need temperature and humidity-controlled containers or special packaging to preserve them. These can be flowers, perishable foods, or potentially hazardous chemicals. Transporting these goods requires extra documentation and background checks.

Ocean freights have more space to move high volume goods and equipment. This depends on the 3 types of sea shipping:

  • Bulk carriers – Used for large volumes of cargo like grains or cement which are put into the ship’s compartments as loose cargo.
  • VLCC, LNG, CNG carriers – Very Large Crude Containers (VLCC) transport huge amounts of oil. Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) containers move contain large quantities of gas.
  • RORO (Roll-On Roll-Off) – Ideal mode for transporting automobiles and trucks. Vehicles are driven to the ship’s ramps and securely positioned within their designated spaces aboard the RORO vessel. Upon arrival, they are driven to the customer ready for collection.

4.Safe Transport

Both air and sea shipping face difficulties during transportation because of changes in weather conditions or safety procedures for claiming your packages. Sea freights require more handling to secure the many shipments being transported on the vessel. For air shipping, there is less handling of goods due to smaller volume of goods being moved.

Every year, about 20 typhoons hit the Philippines. When this happens, flights get canceled, causing problems for millions of air cargo shipments. Roads become unsafe during typhoons, making it hard to move goods by land.

But there are also significant risks involved in air transport of your cargo. Air transport risks include cargo fires caused by lithium batteries in gadgets that incur damage to your cargo and potential theft or smuggling of your goods.

Luckily, most sea freight Philippine ships can handle bad weather at sea. Filipino sea shipping companies can plan routes before ships leave port and adjust during storms. Port closures are rare, so delays are usually minimal.

Best Freight for Business in the Philippines

Sea shipping has a distinct advantage because of the close network of Philippine geographic regions which helped develop cities near port areas. When thinking over sea freight vs air freight cost, sea shipping is ideal for scaling up your business if you’re transporting sizable or weighty cargo that surpasses aircraft limits.

Picking the best freight company can help you plan and make sure your goods go where they need to be.

Trans-Asia Shipping Lines has a history of successful sea freight management and clear pricing options for your business. See our schedules and request a quote for our freight services now.

Sea Freight vs Air Freight in the Philippines: 4 Points Businesses Must Know - Trans-Asia Shipping Lines, Inc (2024)


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