The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss | The Times of India (2025)


01/4​The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss

The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss | The Times of India (1)The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss | The Times of India (2)

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Bananas are among the healthiest carbs. They are a good source of muscle supporting potassium, mood-regulating folate and tryptophan and energizing carbs. But despite all the good things about bananas, there is one worst way to eat them. Not that it's bad for you, but eating that way isn't great for you.

Each stage of banana ripeness offers its own benefits and drawbacks. Here in this article, we will tell you the worst way to have bananas and also the best way if you are trying to lose weight.


02/4​Overripe banana (Brown banana)- Worse for weight loss

The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss | The Times of India (3)

The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss | The Times of India (4)The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss | The Times of India (5)

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Studies have found that overripe bananas that have brown spots are the worst ones to consume. When bananas ripen, the beneficial starches start to break down and are converted into sugar.

An overripe medium-size banana contains 17.4 grams of sugar whereas a yellow banana of the same size contains just 14.4 grams of sugar. This means there is a 3 grams rise in the sugar from glucose and fructose in the ripened bananas.

The sugar content increases because the starch in the banana which is a complex carb naturally breaks down into simple sugar over time. A yellow banana has 6.35 grams of starch, which goes down to 0.45 grams in overripe bananas.

Overripe bananas also have less fibre. Ripen bananas have 1.9 grams of fibre while yellow bananas have 3.1 grams of fibre, which makes yellow bananas great for digestion.

According to a study published in the Journal Diabetic Medicine, diabetics' blood sugar did not spike much when they consumed unripe bananas as compared to when THEY consumed overripe bananas.

Last, but not least, the micronutrient levels of overripe bananas also decrease.


03/4Yellow bananas- A good choice

The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss | The Times of India (6)

The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss | The Times of India (7)The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss | The Times of India (8)

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A standard yellow banana might be your best bet. A perfectly ripe yellow banana is perfectly good to eat. You reap all the benefits of a banana when you consume a yellow banana.


04/4​Green banana: The best ones for weight loss

The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss | The Times of India (9)

The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss | The Times of India (10)The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss | The Times of India (11)

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The lesser ripe banana - the green bananas are known for lesser sugar content and more resistant starch. Resistance starch is good for digestion as it cannot be broken down by stomach enzymes and thus keeps your satiated for longer.

You can add green bananas to your smoothie, use banana flour or make a green banana subji.

Talking about weight loss, the resistant starch and low sugar content of green bananas make them your best bet if you are trying to shed extra kilos. However, they are a little hard to incorporate into your daily diet, the next best option is yellow banana.

Overripe bananas are higher in sugar but by pairing them with low-digesting foods like peanut butter, nuts, whole grain bread, oats they can still be healthy as compared to simple white bread.


End of Story

The worst type of banana and the best one for weight loss  | The Times of India (2025)


Which banana is best for weight loss? ›

Green unripe bananas contain resistant starch, which has been linked to weight loss and reduced blood sugar levels.

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Overripe bananas are higher in sugar but by pairing them with low-digesting foods like peanut butter, nuts, whole grain bread, oats they can still be healthy as compared to simple white bread.

Which type of banana is healthiest? ›

Green Bananas Can Offer Health Benefits. Green bananas are less sweet and contain less sugar than riper yellow bananas. They also have more resistant starch, which may benefit blood sugar management and your overall health. Bananas are incredibly tasty and easy to eat.

Why avoid bananas for weight loss? ›

For weight loss, our science suggests that bananas are not a good option because of the high sugar content in the fruit and how your body responds to it. When you eat a banana, all the carbohydrates it contains are broken down into simple sugars, which cause a rise in your blood sugar levels.

What is the new banana trick to lose weight? ›

Some recommendations for the morning banana diet for weight loss include: Eat just bananas in their natural state, in the quantity you desire. Chew the bananas well, to give you body time to signal feeling full to your brain. This will allow your stomach to know it's full and prompt you to stop eating.

What is the healthiest banana to buy? ›

Green bananas are usually starchier, which means they have a minimal amount of sugar – so it's a better choice for those who have, or are at risk of, type 2 diabetes. And because they're so fiber-rich, they'll fill you up in a healthier way.

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Therefore, eating a banana every day is certainly a good idea. However, if a person has any health concerns, including uncontrolled diabetes, late-stage kidney failure, or is taking medication for high blood pressure, they should check with a health professional to see if bananas are safe for them to eat.

When should you not eat a banana? ›

Mold on bananas is fuzzy white, gray, or greenish—it looks a lot like mold on bread. If a banana smells rotten or fermented or is leaking fluid, it's time to say goodbye. If the fruit inside, not just the peel, is black, that's a sign that your banana is too far gone to safely eat.

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While bananas might be the first fruit to come to mind, watermelon actually reigns supreme when it comes to potassium. In just 2 wedges, or about 1/8th of a melon, you'll get 640 mg of potassium, or about 14% DV. Watermelon is also a great source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and the antioxidant lycopene.

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Ripeness stage
Ripeness stageAppearanceHealth benefits
very ripesoft but not mushy; a mix of yellow with brown spotseasier to digest; good for solo eating or inclusion in healthy foods
overripesoft, mushy interior; highly spotted with brown or entirely brownnatural sweetness, can replace fats in baking
3 more rows
May 11, 2022

Is a banana a day too much sugar? ›

A banana will raise your blood sugar, but how much will depend on the size and ripeness of the banana, and the foods it is paired with. The American Diabetes Association recommends eating bananas and other fruit as they contain fiber. It notes that eating fiber can help lower blood sugar levels.

Is 1 banana a day bad for weight loss? ›

A balanced diet is typically supposed to include 3 to 5 servings of fruit every day. So, bananas can be incorporated into a healthy diet, even if the goal is to lose weight because they are easy to eat, affordable, highly nutritious, relatively filling and make a healthy snack or dessert.

Do bananas burn belly fat? ›

Bananas are great belly fat-burning foods. Bananas when taken in moderation do not cause or increase belly fat. Bananas are versatile fruits that can be eaten to lose or maintain weight. Have it as a snack instead of a sugary option like cookies or pastries.

Does bananas burn belly fat? ›

Bananas are great belly fat-burning foods. Bananas when taken in moderation do not cause or increase belly fat. Bananas are versatile fruits that can be eaten to lose or maintain weight. Have it as a snack instead of a sugary option like cookies or pastries.

Can I eat 1 banana a day for weight loss? ›

However, as the recommendation for a balanced diet includes 3 to 5 servings of fruit every day, bananas can certainly be incorporated into a healthy diet, even if the goal is to lose weight. Bananas are filling, nutritious, and can be paired with a variety of other foods for a more complete snack.


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