US Crops – Where Are They Grown? (2024)


The United States is a market leader in many of the world's major crops. Understanding where and when major United States crops are grown can help Canadian farmers market their crops. Reports on United States seeded acreage, growing conditions, weather forecasts, production reports, and harvest progress are all relevant for Canadian farmers.

Some reports, particularly in farm papers, are interesting news, but they have little market significance. Other reports are very important. Knowing where the various crops are grown can help separate important market news from market noise.

Corn, soybeans, barley and oats

The largest United States crop in terms of total production is corn, the majority of which is grown in a region known as the Corn Belt. The second largest crop grown in the United States is soybeans. As with corn, soybeans are primarily grown in the Midwestern states.

The United States barley crop is of most interest to Canadian malt barley growers. United States barley is grown over a wide geographic area with about 60% as much barley production as Canada.

Although the United States produces some oats, Canada is the world's largest oat exporter and supplies about 70% of the oats imported into the United States.

Table 1 and Figures 1 to 4 show the average annual production of these crops in the United States, where they are grown, when they are seeded, when the crop flowers or heads, and when it is harvested.

Table 1. Crop production in the United States

CropAverage annual production 2015 to 2019Primary growing
SeedingFlowering or headingHarvesting
Corn14 billion bushelsIowa
April and MayJuly through first half of AugustOctober and November
Soybeans4 billion bushelsIllinois
May and JuneJuly through first 3 weeks of AugustLate September through October
Barley160 million bushelsIdaho
North Dakota
April and MayJuly through first half of AugustLate July to end of September
Oats53 million bushelsNorth Dakota
South Dakota
April and MayJuly through first half of AugustAugust and September

Source: USDA Crop Production 2019 Summary

US Crop Production Maps

Source: USDA Crop Production Maps

Figure 1. United States corn production

US Crops – Where Are They Grown? (1)

See full image: United States corn production.

Figure 2. United States soybean production

US Crops – Where Are They Grown? (2)

See full image: United Statessoybean production.

Figure 3. United Statesbarley production

US Crops – Where Are They Grown? (3)

See full image: United Statesbarley production.

Figure 4. United Statesoat production

US Crops – Where Are They Grown? (4)

See full image: United Statesoat production.


The third largest crop grown in the United States is wheat. The United States produces hard red, soft red and white winter wheats and hard red and durum spring-seeded varieties. A very small amount of white spring wheat is also grown.

Table 2 and Figure 5 show the primary growing areas for each type of wheat, including the average seeding, heading, and harvesting dates.

Table 2. Wheat production in the United States

Type of wheatAverage annual production 2017 to 2019Primary growing areasSeedingHeadingHarvesting
Hard red winter wheat748 million bushelsKansas
Late August to end of OctoberThe following year from late April through early JuneLate May through August
Hard red spring wheat498 million bushelsNorth Dakota
South Dakota
April to MayMid-June to mid-JulyLate July through mid-September
Soft red winter wheat273 million bushelsIndiana
North Carolina
Late September to end of OctoberThe following year from late April through early JuneJune through July
Soft white winter wheat252 million bushelsWashington
Early September to mid-NovemberThe following year from mid-May to end of JuneJuly through August
Durum wheat62 million bushelsWisconsin
North Dakota
South Dakota
April to MayMid-June to mid-JulyMid-July through mid-September
Hard white winter wheat16 million bushels


Late August to end of OctoberThe following year from late April through early JuneJuly through August

Figure 5. Wheat Production Areas in the United States

US Crops – Where Are They Grown? (5)

Source: National Association of Wheat Growers 2013, 2017 map of wheat grown by region.

Market noise

The goal of this article is to help farmers to decide what is market noise and what is market news. For example, if you hear a report that says that the corn crop in Utah is suffering from drought, you will know that is market noise rather than significant market news as Utah does not produce a great deal of corn. Similarly, if you hear that the soybean crop in Georgia has been damaged by a frost, you will know that is market noise.

Exporting to the United States

If you are interested in exporting to the United States, watch the video: Exporting Grain, Oilseeds and Special Crops to the United States.

US Crops – Where Are They Grown? (2024)


Where is most of the US crops grown? ›

In fact, California leads the nation in the growth and production of many different crops – and some are grown ONLY in California*.

What is the area where crops are grown? ›

Arable land is the land under temporary agricultural crops (multiple-cropped areas are counted only once), temporary meadows for mowing or pasture, land under market and kitchen gardens and land temporarily fallow (less than five years).

Where do most crops grow? ›

Just four countries—in descending order of importance, China, India, United States and Brazil—accounted for a little more than half the entire world's crop production (by value) in 2013, with China and India alone account- ing for over one-third of the total (Figure 1, Panel a).

Where does most of the farming in the United States occur? ›

Although agricultural activity occurs in every U.S. state, it is particularly concentrated in the Central Valley of California and in the Great Plains, a vast expanse of flat arable land in the center of the nation, in the region west of the Great Lakes and east of the Rocky Mountains.

Where are most of the U.S. vegetables grown? ›

California ranked first in both vegetable categories: fresh market (870,274 acres) and processing (300,299 acres). Florida and Idaho followed in fresh market vegetables, and Washington and Wisconsin followed in processing vegetables.

Which U.S. region has the most farming? ›

States with the most amount of farms

Research from the Extension Agricultural Economics shows that Texas consistently has the most farms out of all U.S. states, ranking first in cattle, sheep, goat, and cotton sales.

What are the top 5 crops in the US? ›

Photo by Scott Bauer. Corn, wheat, soybeans, cotton, and hay account for 90% of harvested acreage in the United States. Corn, wheat, and soybeans are grown for both animal feed and human consumption. Cotton is used to make clothing and other products.

Where is most of the US wheat grown? ›

Winter wheat accounts for 70 to 80 percent of total production in the US, with the largest amounts produced in Kansas (10.8 million tons) and North Dakota (9.8 million tons). The US hard red spring wheat crop is exported to over 70 countries each year to the extent of 55%.

Where do crops grow best? ›

Locations with 8-10 hours of direct sunlight each day are ideal for most vegetables. The more sun exposure the better. Watering and Water Sources: The location of your garden or planting containers should be near a clean water source to make watering convenient and easy.

Where does most of America's food come from? ›

In fact, in 2016, close to 90% of the food and beverage products consumed in America were produced in the U.S. According to the USDA, in 2021 the top five producing states were California, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas and Minnesota and the leading farm products in the U.S. were cattle, corn, soybeans, milk and other dairy ...

In which state most crops are grown? ›

Uttar Pradesh is India's top farming state, with considerable state-level crop production including bajra, rice, sugarcane, food grains, and many others.

What crops grow best in each state? ›

Keep scrolling to see which foods your state actually grows and produces.
  • ALABAMA: Peanuts. Peanuts. ...
  • ALASKA: Potatoes. Potatoes. ...
  • ARIZONA: Lettuce. Lettuce. ...
  • ARKANSAS: Rice. Rice pudding. ...
  • CALIFORNIA: Grapes. Grapes. ...
  • COLORADO: Sugar beet. Sugar beet. ...
  • CONNECTICUT: Apples. Apples. ...
  • DELAWARE: Watermelon. Watermelon.
Feb 12, 2019

What is the #1 agriculture state in the US? ›

California ranks first in the U.S. for agricultural cash receipts followed by Iowa, Texas, Nebraska and Illinois.

Is there enough food on Earth to feed everyone? ›

There is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone on the planet. Yet as many as 783 million people still go hungry.

What part of the US is best for farming? ›

States such as Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas boast cheap land, an excellent growing climate, and a highly developed infrastructure for farmers and rural residents.

Where does the U.S. get most of its grain? ›

U.S. imports of wheat grain, mostly from Canada, have grown from less than 0.1 million metric tons in the 1970s to an average of 2.4 million metric tons over the last 10 complete marketing years (2013/14–2022/23).

What percentage of U.S. food comes from California? ›

farms and ranches, California produces over 13 % percent of the nation's agricultural production value.

Where is the most fertile land in the United States? ›

Flexi Says: The most fertile soil in the world is located in the region known as the "Black Belt" in the United States, which stretches across parts of Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. This region is known for its rich, dark soil, which is ideal for growing crops.


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