Does Jesus care if we cuss? (2024)

  • Casual profanity can trivialize words such as "hell," "God,"and "Jesus Christ" concepts and diminish the wholesomeness with which Scripture calls us toapproach communication with other people.
  • The Bible has something to say about profanity when itemphasizes the sanctity of oral communication
  • Using foul language contradicts the elements of Scripture,Reason, Tradition, and Experience in the Wesleyan quadrilateral.
  • Several Bible passages highlight the power of language andcall us to speak with dignity and respect.

Is it okay for Christians to use profanity?

"What goes into your mouth does not defile you, but what comes out of your mouth, thatis what defiles you. . . . But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and thesedefile you." -- Matthew 15:11, 18

In a recent issue of The Echo, SNU's student newspaper, a student wrote thatJesus doesn't care if we cuss or swear. The implication was that casual use of foul language isOK for Christians.

It's not. Here's why in terms of the four elements of the Wesleyan quadrilateral.


God knows something about the powerful communication tool we call language. That'sclear from the way John begins his gospel: "In the beginning was the Word" (John 1:1). InGenesis 1 God speaks the universe into being1. The final words of Revelation are awarning about adding to or subtracting from the "words" of that prophetic book (Revelation22:19)2.

As to the specific issue of cussing, there are worse evils than using profanity. Still,two of the Ten Commandments (the third and the ninth) deal with thesanctity of oral communication. James scolds his readers for their foul language: "Out of thesame mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be!" (James 3:10)

In his letter to the Philippians, Paul urges believers to focus their thoughts on "whatever ispure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable . . excellent or praiseworthy" (Philippians 4:8). Ido not think expletives related to human waste are what Paul had in mind as "pure and lovely." Paul also tells the Ephesians that obscenities and "coarse joking" are "improper for God's holypeople" (Ephesians 5:4).

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesusadmonished his listeners not tosay "raca" to someone (Matthew 5:22). Scholars are divided as to whether "raca" was technicallya curse word. However, it was a strong enough insult that, as Jesus noted, a person could betaken to court over using it. That might place "raca" in the same category as the "n" wordhurled at Black people today in the USA or the "yellow people" phrase said about people ofAsian descent.


That the movie industry warns audiences about language it considers inappropriate forchildren and young people to hear speaks volumes about a need for discernment invocabulary use.

There is great power in words. The casual use of "damn" trivializes the awfulness of divinejudgment. Using "hell" as a cuss word diminishes the appalling thought of an eternity apart fromGod. Sprinkling conversations with expletives related to sexual intimacy demeans the sacrednessof the divinely ordained union of a man and a woman within the bounds of marriage.


Believers of every culture clean up their language when they come to faith in Jesus. That'sbeen true down through history. It's one of those "new things" Paul speaks about as he writes tothe Corinthians. I personally observed the changing vocabulary of new believers in Italy andHaiti, all without any prompting from a preacher. Through the ages, the new tongue of believershas resounded with dignity and respect.


A young man recently told me that he only cussed among friends and in the presence ofcertain professors. It was clear that he understood there was something not quite right about hisuse of foul language. He knew it apparently wasn't okay to use in front of everyone, but he could not resist the titillating experience of using "forbidden" words. He needed to listen to hisconscience as it tried to confirm the words. Jesus says in Luke's gospel: "Out of the overflow of aman's heart his mouth speaks" (Luke 6:45). [ The power of Jesus'words ]

To speak against swearing is neither excessive prudery nor a misguided attempt to squelchlegitimate expression. Arguing against the use of foul language is an acknowledgment of thepower of language.

Does Jesus care if we cuss, swear, or use profanity? People who say He doesn't care display woeful ignorance of Scripture, a callous disregard for what believers through thecenturies have experienced, and an insensitivity to the voice of a sanctified conscience.

-- Howard Culbertson,

This article originally appeared in an issue of The Echo, SouthernNazarene University's student newspaper

  1. 1"God said" -- Genesis 1:3, 6 9, 14, 20, 24;"Then God said" -- Genesis 1:11, 26
  2. 2"And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will takeaway from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described inthis scroll." -- Revelation 22:19

What does the Bible say about cussing?

The Bible verses below directly refer to the question of swearing and cursing. There areother scripture passages with divine principles that could also be applied to the issue.

  • "No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter." -- Exodus 20:7, TheMessage
  • "Do not let your mouth lead you into sin." -- Ecclesiastes 5:6
  • "Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips." -- Psalm 141:3
  • "All this cussing and lying and killing, theft and loose sex, sheer anarchy, one murder afteranother!" -- Hosea 4:6, The Message
  • "For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. , , , On the Judgment Day you will have togive account of every useless word you have ever spoken. Your words will be used to judgeyou."-- Matthew 12:34, 36bh-37a, Good News Translation
  • " It's from the heart that we vomit up evil arguments, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts,lies, and cussing. That's what pollutes." -- Matthew 15:16-20, The Message
  • "Let there be no more foul language, but good words instead" -- Ephesians 4:29, J.B.Phillips
  • "Nor is it fitting for you to use language which is obscene, profane, or vulgar. Rather youshould give thanks to God." -- Ephesians 5:4, Good News Translation
  • "Now is the time to cast off and throw away all these rotten garments of anger, hatred,cursing, and dirty language." -- Colossians 3:8, The Living Bible
  • "From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to beso." -- James 3:10, English Standard Version
  • "Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear -- not by heaven or by earth or by anythingelse." -- James 5:10

Questions for reflection

  • What does the Bible say about the use of foul language and swearing? How might thesebiblical passages reflect the sanctity of oral communication and the power of language?
  • Why might it be important for Christians to consider the impact of their language andvocabulary on others? In what ways could the casual use of profanity diminish the sacredness ofcertain topics or trivialize important concepts?
  • In what ways could swearing or using foul language contradict the values and traditions ofChristianity? What significance might there be for us today that believers throughout history andin various cultural contexts have adjusted their language after converting toChristianity?


Christians often consider the use of profanity or vulgar language to be incompatible withtheir beliefs for several reasons:

  • Respect for Others: Christians believe in treatingothers with love, dignity, and respect. Using vulgar language can be offensive or hurtful toothers, contradicting the principle of loving one's neighbor.
  • Reflecting Christ: Christians strive to emulate theteachings and example of Jesus Christ, who emphasized purity ofheart and speech. Using profanity can tarnish one's witness and fail to reflect the character ofChrist.
  • Reflecting Christian values: Using profanity orcussing may be seen as incongruent with the values of love, kindness, and compassion that arecentral to the Christian faith.
  • Guarding Speech: The Bible teaches the importanceof guarding one's speech and using words to build up rather than tear down (Ephesians 4:29).Cursing or using vulgar language can undermine this principle.
  • Setting an Example: Christians often seek to set apositive example for others, including children and non-believers. Avoiding profanity candemonstrate self-control and a commitment to moral values.
  • Honoring God: Many Christians believe thatlanguage is a gift from God and should be used in ways that honor Him. Using profanity may beseen as disrespectful or dishonoring to God.
  • Cultural Influence: Refraining from using profanitycan distinguish Christians from the surrounding culture and demonstrate a commitment to higherstandards.
  • Personal conviction: For many Christians, refrainingfrom cussing or using profanity is a matter of personal conviction and spiritual growth. They mayfeel convicted by the Holy Spirit to guard their speech and use words that honor God and reflecttheir commitment to following Christ in the world while not being of it (John 17:14-16).

Breaking the Habit

Breaking a habit like cussing can be challenging but it is doable with some strategies andperseverance. Ask the Lord to help you. Ask him to fill your mind with good words.

In addition, here are some techniques you might find helpful:

  • Awareness: Start by becoming aware of when andwhy you cuss. Notice the situations, emotions, or triggers that lead you to use foul language.
  • Replacement: Replace the curse words withalternative expressions or words that are more neutral or positive. For example, instead of sayinga cuss word when frustrated, say things like, "Oh, fiddlesticks," "Well, isn't that a bucket ofbolts?", "Oh, for heaven's sake!" "Heavens to Betsy," "goodness gracious," "oh my goodness." or"Good grief!"
  • Pause and breathe: When you feel the urge to cuss,take a moment to pause and take a deep breath. This can help you regain control and choose adifferent response.
  • Positive reinforcement: Reward yourself for notcussing, whether it's with a treat, a small indulgence, or simply acknowledging your progress.Positive reinforcement can help reinforce the desired behavior.
  • Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques, suchas meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help increase self-awareness and self-control,making it easier to break the habit of cussing.
  • Surround yourself with support: Let friends, family,or coworkers know that you're trying to break the habit of cussing, and ask for their support.Having people who encourage and remind you can make the process easier.
  • Set specific goals: Set achievable goals for yourself,such as reducing the number of times you cuss each day or going a certain period of time withoutcussing. Having clear goals can help keep you motivated and focused.
  • Stay patient and persistent: Breaking a habit oftentakes time and effort, so be patient with yourself and don't get discouraged if you slip upoccasionally. Keep reminding yourself of your reasons for wanting to change and stay committedto your goal.
  • Seek professional help: If cussing is significantlyimpacting your life or relationships, consider seeking help from a pastor or mental healthcounselor who can provide support and guidance tailored to your specific situation.

Remember, breaking a habit like cussing may not happen overnight, but with determination,consistent effort and dependence on the Lord, you can make progress and eventually overcomeit.

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How powerful is language?

Several years ago, InterVarsity Fellowship Regional Director Gene Thomas was looking to buy aretreat center. He heard about a dude ranch for sale in the mountains southwest ofColorado Springs. When he visited Bear Trap Ranch, Gene could hardly contain his excitement. That property was exactly what he was looking for.

He went back to Colorado Springs to see George Krause, the gruff president of the companythat owned the mountain ranch in addition to the historic Antlers Hotel in Colorado Springs.

When Gene said he was interested in buying Bear Trap Ranch, Krause shot back, "What inthe hell do you want it for?"

"Well, actually," Gene replied, "hell has quite a bit to do with it. We want to tell college studentsabout Jesus, and Jesus has this thing about hell. He wants to keep people out of it.."

Disarmed by Gene Thomas' response, Krause offered to let InterVarsity have Bear Trap Ranchfor $50,000. That was an incredibly low price given that Krause's Antlers Hotel had just invested$75,000 in new plumbing and furnishings at the ranch.

The InterVarsity board agreed to the purchase on the condition that Gene Thomas would raisethe money himself. Gene agreed. Then, when Gene returned to Krause to confirm thatInterVarsity would purchase the ranch, Krause told him that someone else had just offered$150,000 cash for it.

Gene's heart sank. Then, Krause continued, "However, I toldhim ´no´, and that I was going to sell it to people who were keepingcollege students out of hell."

— Adapted from For Christ and the University by Keith and Gladys Hunt,IVP, 1991

A few years ago,historian John Lukacs spoke on the campus of Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy,Massachusetts. While there Lukacs was interviewed by ENC professors Donald Yerxa and KarlGiberson. That full interview was featured in an issue of Books & Culture.Here's the section of the interview in which Lukacs talked about language:

Language is a very mysterious gift from God. In the beginning was the Word. Not the Fact. Not the Picture. Not the Number. Not the Image. It is through words that we relate to eachother. It is through words that we can give pain or pleasure to each other. And because of this and every historian worth his salt ought to know this -- the choice of the word is not only amatterof accuracy, not only an aesthetic choice, it is a moral choice.

Perhapsbest known for his book Historical Consciousness: Or, the Remembered Past, JohnLukacs has ranged far and wide as a historian. His books include A Thread ofYears, a series of imaginative vignettes of everyday life in the twentieth century, andFive Days in London, May 1940, which focused on Churchill and hiscabinet.

Verbal and non-verbal communication

Does Jesus care if we cuss? (1)Though language may not always seem the most prominentcharacteristic of a person, it is certainly one of the most revealing. . . .[more ]

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  • Lessons from Italy
  • Life'slegacy: Reflections after my father-in-law's death
  • "Take courage! It is I."

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Does Jesus care if we cuss? (2024)


Does Jesus care if we cuss? ›

Reflecting Christian values: Using profanity or cussing may be seen as incongruent with the values of love, kindness, and compassion that are central to the Christian faith. Guarding Speech: The Bible teaches the importance of guarding one's speech and using words to build up rather than tear down (Ephesians 4:29).

Does God care if I cuss? ›

Paul warns us in Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome (filthy) talk come from your mouth, but only what is good for building someone up in need.” Then he says in Ephesians 5:4 “Nor should there be any obscenity, foolish talk or crude joking, which are out of place.”

What does Jesus say about cursing? ›

29 No foul language should come from your mouth, but only what is good for building up someone in need, so that it gives grace to those who hear. 30 And don't grieve God's Holy Spirit. You were sealed by him for the day of redemption.

Is saying the f word a sin? ›

1 Peter 3:10 tells us that "whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech." God commands us to keep our tongue from all obscene words, filthy and corrupt communication, lying, swearing, cursing, and any evil speech.

Will I go to heaven if I cuss? ›

Simply because a person swears does not mean they are going to hell. Many individuals judge others for swearing or questioning their salvation, but we must not do this. Jesus tells us plainly not to judge others (Matthew 7:1). God is the only Judge, and we should leave all judgment to Him (Isaiah 33:22).

Is the f word in the Bible? ›

To be perfectly clear, the Bible never uses anything equivalent to the s-word, the f-word, or any other such word. As we can clearly see from the entry, the word skubalon, like most words, has a semantic range and not a fixed definition, and certainly not a fixed inherent vulgarity.

Is cursing disrespecting God? ›

Using profanity may be seen as disrespectful or dishonoring to God. Cultural Influence: Refraining from using profanity can distinguish Christians from the surrounding culture and demonstrate a commitment to higher standards.

Did Jesus forbid swearing? ›

Jesus tells his listeners in Matthew 5:34 "to not swear oaths" and in here presents examples of swearing oaths. In context, this passage refers not to the modern understanding of cursing or using foul language, but rather, the act of swearing oaths and making promises.

What Bible verse says you can't cuss? ›

The Bible instructs us to “bless and do not curse them.” (Romans 12:14) and warns us that "whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech" (1 Peter 3:10). God clearly instructs Christians to not curse or swear.

Is swearing on God a sin? ›

Most Christians believe saying “on God” or otherwise taking the Lord's name in vain is a sin, as stated in Exodus 20:7 in the Bible. Swearing on God's name is seen as disrespectful, and Christians shouldn't need to take oaths, as they should always be honest.

Does God say no swearing? ›

James 5:12

12 Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple “Yes” or “No.” Otherwise you will be condemned.

What can I say instead of the F word? ›

One alternative is to employ cursing-soundalike words. In place of the f-bomb you might use freaking or, if you were a Battlestar Galactica fan, fracking. Other G-rated epithets include kiss my grits, son-of-a-mother, Judas Priest, what the Sam Hill, and shut the front door.

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The Old Testament book of Leviticus clearly says, "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD." (Lev. 19:28 NIV) For many Christians, that ends the discussion.

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You may have felt like your sins are too serious or that you have made the same mistake too many times. But no matter how much we have sinned, we can always repent and be forgiven. Some sins may be easier to correct than others, but Jesus Christ has provided for total forgiveness from all sins.

Will I be forgiven if I insulted God? ›

Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come. Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit.

What sin keeps you out of heaven? ›

These seven sins—idolatry, fornication, adultery, hom*osexuality, dishonesty, drunkenness, and foul language—can lead us away from God and prevent us from entering heaven. But there is hope. Repentance and turning away from these sins are key to restoring our relationship with God.

Does the Bible say not to swear? ›

Jesus tells his listeners in Matthew 5:34 "to not swear oaths" and in here presents examples of swearing oaths. In context, this passage refers not to the modern understanding of cursing or using foul language, but rather, the act of swearing oaths and making promises.

Are you allowed to swear to God? ›

Is it ever permissible to take an oath? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says, “Do not swear at all. . . . Let what you say be simply 'Yes' or 'No'; anything more than this comes from evil” (Matt. 5:34,37).

What is the punishment for cursing God? ›

In Leviticus 24:16 the punishment for blasphemy is death.


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