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    Posted 02 December 2017 - 09:14 AM

    Hi, i just started playing not long ago with zero funds, can anyone give me any advice regarding equipments? right now im using eden equipment, what equipment should i start aiming for? should i save for morrigane set or better one? i read from wiki that the set bonus is quite good for assasin.

    And regarding my stats, should i build towards nat crit sin or equipment crit sin for faster lvling?

    Thanks for ur time.

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    Posted 02 December 2017 - 10:04 AM

    Morrigane Set is useful only until 99/70 and that really is by far the smallest portion of leveling you'll be doing.

    Stick to Eden gears and just get yourself a Crimson Katar (you can use a NPC Jamadhar before lvl 70) or some Crimson Daggers if you like those more.

    Don't waste your money for gears you won't be using long anyways, all Assassin builds can reach 99/70 fast.

    As GX you will want to level with Rolling Cutter because everything else is just slow and tedious (excluding some double dagger crit thing that lvls off MVPs and needs a ton of funds).

    Starting stuff you'll want to get for early GX:


    Katar with Hunter Fly cards (Crimson Katar, Durga, Jur, etc) - at 120 switch to Hunterfly carded Thanatos Katar


    Octopus Hat for cheap healing with Fresh Fish

    Rideword Hat for hp/sp leech (for GX, if you can't afford an Evil Dragon Armor)


    Nab's Cloth with Fighting Spirit enchants are great to help with any hit issues you might have and make good elemental armors

    if you can afford it get an Evil Dragon Armor (this needs to be +8, +9 or +10)


    Heroic Backpack (+0 for greed and if you can afford it +7 or +9 for the boni)


    Variant Shoes if on a budget

    you'll later want to replace those with Temporal STR Boots with Fighting Spirit + Bear's Power or Lucky Day


    Keraunos are good for HP, ATK, ASPD

    Rogue's Treasure and Vesper Core 4 are awesome if you need hit

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      Posted 02 December 2017 - 07:51 PM

      Thanks for the answer, seems like this will be a long journey to farm those items

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      Posted 02 December 2017 - 11:53 PM

      It's a bit of a slower start to gear a GX than say a Ranger, but GX will have a lot easier time soloing things and making zeny once you have those gears. Beginner's advice - Thief Class (9)

      You can safely ignore the Acessories at first as these don't have as much impact as a proper leeching gears or the use of Enchant Deadly Poison with Rolling Cutter.

      You can also ask for a warp to Mora once you are 100 and do this quest here for some Mora Coins to trade for Nab's Cloths.

      Or (again once you are 100+) if you want to unlock some really simple daylies put a chat up in Eden asking someone to run you through the Wandering Guardian Quest - this will give you a Pendant that can warp you to Mora anytime as well as unlock the daylies.

      Unenchanted Nab's Cloths are cheap, but this way you could save some zeny by making them on your own, since in the beginning every single zeny matters.

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        Posted 03 December 2017 - 07:46 AM

        thanks for the advice again, btw for the elements of crimson katar, is water a good element for leveling till lvl 175, i plan to buy one +10 or above crimson katar

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        Posted 03 December 2017 - 08:05 AM

        99~124 Water is ok for Nogg2

        124~150 you'll want Fire for Scarabas

        150~175 element doesn't matter because NCT mobs are neutral

        If you feel you don't leech enough with your Crimson Katar farm yourself a Thanatos Katar at 120, it's great even without high refines, also allows for hp/sp leech and the instance needed to get one is really easy.

        Stacking leech is really powerful on GX. Beginner's advice - Thief Class (14)

        Solution for any element problems you might have:

        Pick any Katar and make a Sage on a second account so you can use Endows (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth) as needed or make Converters in case you don't want to buy them.

        If you don't want to level it far you can just leave the Sage in Eden group.

        Else lvl 70 would be more than enough so it can do the quests to enter Kamidal Tunnel which is nice to have for lvl 124~150.

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          Posted 03 December 2017 - 01:35 PM

          lel the 3 post per day restriction is killing me, how to go around this?

          anyway, i got +9rideword hat, +9 evil dragon armor, +9 heroic backpack, +4temporal str boots with bear power and fighting spirit7, and keranous, can those item last me till i reach lvl 175, or will i still need to buy other stuffs? are these the best equips for lvling?

          and are those leveling spot u mentioned best for solo?

          Thanks for answering

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          Posted 03 December 2017 - 04:20 PM

          Only item you would need to reach 175 with more ease is a Thanatos Katar, but you can farm them pretty easily when you reach 120 by doing the Ghost Palace Instance, preferably with a Hunter Fly Card.

          Those are not THE BEST equips for lvling but you can get 175 with it pretty easily.

          Yes, the spots Kubikyuu mentioned are best for solo leveling or split leveling party, but you only see those on rare big exp events in NCT (Nightmare Clock Tower).

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            Posted 03 December 2017 - 10:35 PM

            btw for equipment, is end game equip as follows?

            168 str
            271 sATK


            +12 eddga

            Adv sin mask
            Nab atk9%
            +14 Crimson Katar[2xAK]/+12 Juliette de Rachel[2xAK]/+12 Thanatos Katar[2xAK]/+12 Evil Mind Katar[1xAK]
            +9 FAW Fatal10 Petal
            +12 Temp Luk
            2x Bakos
            +30 Phys set
            +18 Lib set
            Dullahan Pet

            +14 Crimson Katar[2 AK] - being realistic, thats the most anyone gonna get on iRO '-':
            70 wATK

            ((70+(168*70/200)+-(70*0,15)+70~142)* size mod(0.75/1/0.75, small/med/big respectively) * % mods * wEDP
            188~281 wATK *2.05 *5 = 1927~2880 wATK

            eATK=196+55+56 = 307 // 607(later is with +12 Eddga proc) *2,05 *4 = 2517 // 4977

            no Eddga tATK: 1927~2880+2517+2*271+30 = 5016~5969
            with Eddga tATK: 1927~2880+4977+2*271+30 = 7476~8429

            Crit/Crit mods:

            5016~5969 * 1,4 *2 = 14044~16713
            7476~8429 * 1,4 *2 = 20932~23601


            +12 Juliette de Rachel[2 AK]
            280 wATK
            12% aspd

            543~767 wATK *2,11 *5 = 5728~8091

            eATK=56 // 356 *2.11 *4 = 472 // 3004

            No Eddga tATK: 2*271+5728~8091+472+30 = 6722~9135
            With Eddga tATK: 2*271+5728~8091+3004+30 = 9304~11667

            Crit/Crit mod:

            6722~9135 *1,4 *2 = 18821~25578
            9304~11667 *1,4 *2 = 26051~32667


            +12 Thanatos Katar[AK]:

            444~644 wATK * 1,8 *5 = 3996~5796

            eATK: 56 // 356 *1,8 *4 = 403 // 2563

            No Eddga tATK: 2*269+3996~5796+403+30 = 4967~6767
            With Eddga tATK: 2*269+3996~5796+2563+30 = 7127~8927

            Crit/Crit Mods:

            4967~6767 *1,4 *2 = 13907~18947
            7127~8927 *1,4 *2 = 19955~24995


            +12 Evil Mind Katar[AK] (so far only seen enchants that partially ignore def, so i wont consider any enchant on this one, also because they are random)

            379~563wATK *1,8 *5 = 3411~5207

            eATK: 200 // 500 *1,8 *4 = 1440 // 3600

            No Eddga tATK: 2*271+3411~5207+1440+30 = 5423~7219
            With Eddga tATK: 2*271+3411~5207+3600+30 = 7583~9379

            Crit/Crit mods:

            5423~7219 *1,4 *2 = 15184~20213

            7583~9379 *1,4 *2 = 21232~26261

            DD crit, "regular" optimal gear (yes, with Drake)

            main hand FQL Drake+ AK

            left hand 2x race 2x element
            rest is the same

            sATK: 248
            ATK%: 51
            Race% 40
            Element%: 40
            Crit%: 100

            copied from other thread

            and lastly is a +14 thanatos katar stronger than +15 crimson katar?

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            Posted 04 December 2017 - 10:54 AM

            +14 thanatos katar stronger than +15 crimson katar?

            you could easily make multiple +15 crimson while trying to make a +14 thanatos

            clean +14thanatos katar being a lvl 4 weapon likely to be stronger than a clean +15 crimson katar

            but we are talking about [1] vs [2]

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            Posted 04 December 2017 - 11:12 AM

            btw for equipment, is end game equip as follows?

            168 str
            271 sATK


            +12 eddga

            Adv sin mask
            Nab atk9%
            +14 Crimson Katar[2xAK]/+12 Juliette de Rachel[2xAK]/+12 Thanatos Katar[2xAK]/+12 Evil Mind Katar[1xAK]
            +9 FAW Fatal10 Petal
            +12 Temp Luk
            2x Bakos
            +30 Phys set
            +18 Lib set
            Dullahan Pet

            +14 Crimson Katar[2 AK] - being realistic, thats the most anyone gonna get on iRO '-':
            70 wATK

            ((70+(168*70/200)+-(70*0,15)+70~142)* size mod(0.75/1/0.75, small/med/big respectively) * % mods * wEDP
            188~281 wATK *2.05 *5 = 1927~2880 wATK

            eATK=196+55+56 = 307 // 607(later is with +12 Eddga proc) *2,05 *4 = 2517 // 4977

            no Eddga tATK: 1927~2880+2517+2*271+30 = 5016~5969
            with Eddga tATK: 1927~2880+4977+2*271+30 = 7476~8429

            Crit/Crit mods:

            5016~5969 * 1,4 *2 = 14044~16713
            7476~8429 * 1,4 *2 = 20932~23601


            +12 Juliette de Rachel[2 AK]
            280 wATK
            12% aspd

            543~767 wATK *2,11 *5 = 5728~8091

            eATK=56 // 356 *2.11 *4 = 472 // 3004

            No Eddga tATK: 2*271+5728~8091+472+30 = 6722~9135
            With Eddga tATK: 2*271+5728~8091+3004+30 = 9304~11667

            Crit/Crit mod:

            6722~9135 *1,4 *2 = 18821~25578
            9304~11667 *1,4 *2 = 26051~32667


            +12 Thanatos Katar[AK]:

            444~644 wATK * 1,8 *5 = 3996~5796

            eATK: 56 // 356 *1,8 *4 = 403 // 2563

            No Eddga tATK: 2*269+3996~5796+403+30 = 4967~6767
            With Eddga tATK: 2*269+3996~5796+2563+30 = 7127~8927

            Crit/Crit Mods:

            4967~6767 *1,4 *2 = 13907~18947
            7127~8927 *1,4 *2 = 19955~24995


            +12 Evil Mind Katar[AK] (so far only seen enchants that partially ignore def, so i wont consider any enchant on this one, also because they are random)

            379~563wATK *1,8 *5 = 3411~5207

            eATK: 200 // 500 *1,8 *4 = 1440 // 3600

            No Eddga tATK: 2*271+3411~5207+1440+30 = 5423~7219
            With Eddga tATK: 2*271+3411~5207+3600+30 = 7583~9379

            Crit/Crit mods:

            5423~7219 *1,4 *2 = 15184~20213

            7583~9379 *1,4 *2 = 21232~26261

            DD crit, "regular" optimal gear (yes, with Drake)

            main hand FQL Drake+ AK

            left hand 2x race 2x element
            rest is the same

            sATK: 248
            ATK%: 51
            Race% 40
            Element%: 40
            Crit%: 100

            copied from other thread

            and lastly is a +14 thanatos katar stronger than +15 crimson katar?

            +15 Crimson Katar

            +14 Thanatos Katar

            Even without cards, the Crimson Katar wins (not to mention the sheer difference in cost of making each one to their respective upgrade levels), next.

            Edited by Nirvanna21, 04 December 2017 - 11:13 AM.

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              Posted 04 December 2017 - 04:13 PM

              Hi, i just started playing not long ago with zero funds,

              anyway, i got +9rideword hat, +9 evil dragon armor, +9 heroic backpack, +4temporal str boots with bear power and fighting spirit7, and keranous,


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                Posted 04 December 2017 - 05:31 PM


                lel, i originally decided to go f2p, but thought that its gonna take so long for me, so i went p2w to neccesary items to get maximum enjoyment.

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                  Posted 04 December 2017 - 05:35 PM

                  you could easily make multiple +15 crimson while trying to make a +14 thanatos

                  clean +14thanatos katar being a lvl 4 weapon likely to be stronger than a clean +15 crimson katar

                  but we are talking about [1] vs [2]

                  +15 Crimson Katar

                  +14 Thanatos Katar

                  Even without cards, the Crimson Katar wins (not to mention the sheer difference in cost of making each one to their respective upgrade levels), next.

                  Thanks for the calculation, even with +15 Thanatos katar, the damage difference is very little, so i guess +15 crimson katar with 2 Ak card holy/neutral element is pretty much end game weapon for katar

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                  Posted 04 December 2017 - 05:39 PM

                  Thanks for the calculation, even with +15 Thanatos katar, the damage difference is very little, so i guess +15 crimson katar with 2 Ak card holy/neutral element is pretty much end game weapon for katar

                  It's the best everyman's weapon, if you want THE end game katar then go farm Sky Fortress, though this isn't required to beat the game.

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                    Posted 12 February 2019 - 06:50 AM

                    need help sir/maam on my 3rd quest for 2nd job class change assassin 6job target change

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